Thursday, February 14, 2008

February 14, 2008

Time flies when you’re having fun in Liberia!
And what a great country it is. The poverty is overwhelming but the hearts and attitudes of the people are just as extraordinary.

Fritz being attacked by a 'dangerous' Liberian vine - he was so tangled up we had to cut him out.

We have moved to our next temporary location at an apartment in Sinkor, Monrovia. The upstairs rooms are intended as guest rooms for Acres of Hope adoptive parents and we will be assisting in making them feel as welcome and comfortable as possible while they are here to pick up their children. Currently, we are still in somewhat of a renovation stage of the house / rooms but we are looking forward to have our first guests shortly.

Prayer for a new family at the Acres of Hope guest house

Our containers have arrived, still somewhere at the harbor at this point but we are anticipating having them released before the end of the week. Some time later this year we are hoping to set up our permanent housing. At this point all we know is that we would like to end up in the ‘country’. Either coastal aka the beach or up country, where the farming land is more fertile. For now we serve here and will wait on the Lord………isn’t that the story of all our lives.

In the meantime we all have adjusted well to Liberian life – the people, the food, the temperature, God’s plan for our lives…..all are amazing.

Benetta chopping potatoe greens - our favorite Liberian dish

Mostly I am inspired by the people I meet. My next door neighbors live in a ‘house’ with just walls! There is no roof, doors, plumbing, furniture…nothing. Plastic buckets are being used for washing kids and dishes. Coal stoves are used for cooking. The ground is full of glass and other sharp objects that make me cringe when I see all the children happily playing soccer. But that’s just it - the kids are joyful and their mothers are joyful and all are hoping for a brighter future. There we are in this nice house and the lady next door in her walls with nothing tells us:
“Welcome to Liberia – you are all welcome and when my plums (=mangoes) are ripe you can have some.”
So you see life here is harsh for most but God’s love is abiding.

I am looking forward to the mangoes and living in community with my new neighbors.

Well that’s it for now. We will keep blogging maybe once or twice a month so thanks for your patience.

Dave - the all around home improvement guy. He does everything from high tech electrical AC/DC stuff to low tech bleaching smelly bath- rooms, all with a smile on his face!

PS: Steph this update is for you and Teresa!

PPS: Monrovia has a great brewery – I know my beers and ‘Club Beer’ is top notch.
(Patrick – got a brew yet?)